Moving from Legacy Systems: Adopt a New Core

In the ever-evolving landscape of the travel industry, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for brands looking to thrive in the digital age. One significant hurdle many travel businesses face is the reliance on outdated legacy systems, hindering their ability to adapt to the rapidly changing technological landscape.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the crucial need for brands in the travel industry to move away from legacy systems and embrace innovative software solutions for a seamless and future-ready operation. 

The Challenge with Legacy Systems

Legacy systems have long been the backbone of many travel industry operations, providing stability and functionality. However, as technology advances at an unprecedented pace, these systems often become a roadblock to progress.

According to Data Art, legacy systems are the largest barrier to digital transformation for travel companies. Outdated infrastructure can lead to inefficiencies, increased maintenance costs, security vulnerabilities, and an inability to keep up with high customer expectations. Huge travel disruptions over the past couple of years, especially in the airline industry, have been exacerbated by the reliance on legacy systems. 

Before the pandemic, many brands were hesitant to invest in cloud-based, off-premise technologies. However, in 2023, it is clear that these types of technologies are crucial for the future of the industry.

Migration to Modern Systems

To remain competitive in today’s fast-paced digital environment, travel brands must prioritise the transformation of their core systems. This transformation is not just a matter of staying current; it’s about future-proofing operations, enhancing the customer experience, and enabling scalability.

In the recent Digital Transformation report by Skift, around 95% of travel executives identified digital transformation as an important factor in the success of their business. 

However, the migration from legacy systems to modern software can be a complex task. Challenges such as integration with existing systems, the investment of time and resources, and fear of change can hinder travel brands in their digital transformation. 

Nezasa’s TripBuilder

Nezasa’s TripBuilder is the solution to these challenges. Our innovative software is flexible, scalable, and efficient, and can simplify your travel brands’ digital transformation. We offer a cost-effective plan that is flexible according to the specific needs of your travel business. 

Our easy to use and completely remote platform is a powerful core solution. It consolidates multiple components into a unified platform, eliminating the need to manage numerous disparate systems. This simplifies the technology stack and allows for a smooth digital transition. 

Why Move from Legacy Systems

Moving from legacy systems towards cloud-based, digital software can offer many benefits to your travel brand. Some of the advantages include: 

  • Scalability and Flexibility

Legacy systems are typically rigid and challenging to scale, making it difficult for travel brands to adapt to changing market dynamics or seasonal fluctuations. Modern software solutions, built on flexible architectures, enable scalability, allowing businesses to effortlessly adjust to varying demand levels. This scalability is crucial for growth and staying agile in an industry as dynamic as travel.

  • Cost Optimisation

According to Phocuswire, switching to cloud-based systems can make travel companies more cost-efficient. SaaS systems are paid for on a monthly subscription basis, and update costs are taken care of directly by the service provider. This can save your brand large amounts of money in the long run, eliminating the need for large upfront investments and ongoing maintenance costs. 

  • Increased Efficiency

Outdated systems often require extensive maintenance, leading to downtime and increased operational costs. New software solutions streamline operations, automate routine tasks, and reduce the need for manual intervention. This not only boosts efficiency but also allows employees to focus on more strategic and value-added tasks.

  • Competitive advantage

In a highly competitive industry like travel, being an early adopter of cutting-edge technology provides a significant advantage. Brands that invest in innovative software solutions now can differentiate themselves from competitors, attracting tech-savvy customers and staying at the forefront of industry trends. 

  • Enhanced Customer Experience

Moving from legacy systems to modern systems also has a huge impact on customer experience. Today’s consumers have higher expectations than ever, and brands must be able to offer a seamless and personalised experience throughout their entire journey, from the booking and planning phase to post-trip. 

Legacy systems often struggle to meet these expectations, leading to frustrated customers and a potential loss of business. Moving from legacy systems to a new and innovative core is not just a technological upgrade; it’s a strategic imperative for survival and success.Our innovative software is the perfect solution for travel brands looking to migrate from outdated systems to a modern and efficient core solution. Find out more about our innovative software here.

Posted By

Maria Ribeiro