Half of the year has gone by and now is the perfect time to meet you. TripBuilder is evolving, and we can’t wait to show you how. 

We are back in London for the Travel Tech Show, and we’re excited to show you all of our new developments and what’s next for our core product: TripBuilder.

It is an exciting time for the travel tech industry, as more and more technology is ready to serve travellers and travel professionals in easy and automated ways. And our customers and partners have been helping us develop with creative new ways to be a part of this.

TripBuilder was designed to be the centre of the operation for travel brands looking to create, plan, book and sell almost every kind of trip. But it could never do it alone. It relies on a trustworthy network of advisers to become more efficient. 

As new technology systems, with AI at the top of it, become commonly-used tools for the entire industry, TripBuilder evolves. 

We can’t wait to talk to travel brands and potential partners from all corners of the world about what we are creating within our system and the new functionalities coming next. But also to sit together with travel professionals and get the valuable insights that have been helping our products and solutions take some steps forward.

If you wish to schedule a quick meeting with the team, follow the link and book it. See you there!