Travel Experts

BTS chooses Nezasa’s TripBuilder to Elevate Operational Efficiency and Revenue Growth

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How it all started

Founded in Belgium in 1998 as a corporate travel agency, innovation has been a key factor in BTS’s success over the years, with the company constantly looking for strategies that would enable growth and differentiation. In 2008, BTS transformed its business by creating the Travel Experts brand, operating on an independent travel consultant model and becoming a dominant player in the leisure segment.

Today, Travel Experts continuous search for business enhancement has led them to Nezasa. The advanced platform offered by Nezasa aligns with Travel Expert’s needs, the division of the company that will use TripBuilder, from the integration of different suppliers to the promotion of a visually unified and appealing brand image to its customers.

Focus on finding a comprehensive solution that promotes efficiency and growth

The fast-paced travel industry demands that BTS amplify their productivity and concentrate on revenue growth. With the desire to consolidate their vast offerings into a single platform, BTS was seeking a comprehensive solution that perfectly aligned with their operational objectives.

Addressing their ambition to elevate their business productivity and revenue growth, Alexander Creyf, BTS COO stated, “Our search was focused on finding a comprehensive solution that would enable us to consolidate all of our hotel offerings into a single platform. Nezasa allows us to boost our productivity while focusing on generating more revenue in an increasingly competitive market.”

The buy versus build dilemma

While making a strategic choice between development and outsourcing, BTS opted against building their own platform to stay true to their identity – a travel agency at heart, not a technology company, which in the end allows both companies to do what they do best. 

BTS evaluated several suppliers, yet none offered an all-in-one solution as Nezasa did. “Nezasa, while not perfect, is certainly the closest to what we were looking for as a complete solution,” says Alexander Creyf, BTS COO.

BTS will put in place a strategic plan to ensure adoption

To ensure a smooth transition and high adoption rate of the new system, a strategic ‘Ambassador Program’ will be implemented. This will involve the selection of BTS’s Experts who would be the first to adopt the new platform. With extensive training and support, they became well-versed with the ins and outs of the system. Consequently, these ‘ambassadors’ will be tasked with illustrating to their colleagues the advantages of the platform, including the simplified process, increased productivity, and higher earnings from commissions. By strategizing in this manner, BTS expects to create a ripple effect of adoption and ease the transition to the new system.

Looking into the future

Consolidation in markets where BTS is already a leader is essential, but the company will also expand to new 4 markets within the next months. As for Nezasa, we can’t wait to have a new conversation to check in first hand BTS’s results and growth.